leonardo trapani

milan, italy

swe @ datapizza - startup founder

i'm a 18 y/o software developer and entrepreneur. i love building exciting projects and engaging in creative entrepreneurial endeavours. i love studying the latest technologies in the software development space, and applying them in real-world projects.



software developer (jun 2023 - present)

full stack developer in the biggest tech community in italy (500k+ followers). developing and maintaining various products, using different technologies and frameworks, such as nextjs, django, react, react native, and more.

the closer fit

co-founder & cto (sept 2023 - present)

a web application that creates custom AI interviews based on the user’s resume and lets the user practice and receive feedback to ace his following job interview. built the application and managing the development team.


nvim config

a personalized code editor. my carefully crafted and customized neovim configuration for a reusable and efficient code editor. built using neovim and lua.


the website you are currently visiting. my personal portfolio and blog that I use to share who I am, and to provide value to others.


a web app to organize the school schedules with Artificial Intelligence, creating and managing classes, teachers, sections, and schedules.

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